Manhattan's Fish Market is an interesting place, because they are one of those rare seafood restaurants that I see, show save-the-wildlife and sea creatures on their projector and yet serve all kind of seafood. Is it some kind of bad joke, or are they just plain ignorant?
We went on to Swensen's after that for desserts. The girls shared topless five (there were 5 of us left after ail, michf and pea left early), though crys didn't eat 'cos she was just recovered from flu and an ear infection, while the guys had banana crumble and some other random thing. But I thought the night was lovely because it was so nice to catch up with old friends, whether you had known them very well or not, and to see how everyone is doing now. Hing is still working hard at applying for Unis while going for hospital attachment with ed, Jas is working for this company that organises camps and holds inspirational workshop for kids, Ail is going to teach soon, so is Crys who is currently tutoring as well, Kep is working at the shipyard ... as a foreman or so he claims, charl at an MNC doing accounts .. and reading most of the time, ahgake is going to start working as a call centre employee soon, chinswee is still being a housewife at home (: Woah, it seems like everyone seems to be having quite exciting lives now that A's has ended.
But nevertheless, I'm thankful to Hing who organized the outing (because he found it disturbing that chinswee asked him out) because it really felt so good meeting up with these people that I havent seen for eons. And i can't help but wonder, how many of these people will I still meet and keep in touch after say ... 5yrs?
Sharan is flying off for Cambodia today. I hope she will have a safe trip there and not mistakenly step on a landmine, or get kidnapped by terrorist. HMMs.
I trying harder to make myself more useful in the office today, and trying to learn as much as I can so that I would not be feeling so lost when Doris goes on leave (soon :x ). Trying to really understand how I can quote customers and compiling the list of regulars and hardware contractors so that I would have a better idea on who I'm talking to. Work is getting exciting. Right.
I'm actually watching ... and interesting in Devil Beside Me starring Rainie Yang and this other actor whom I'm not too familiar with. It's embarrassing that I am into such TW drama serials again. And I was just wondering if I should borrow the vcd from ahgake so that I can finish it once and for all.
Potluck this Sunday 2pm at my place (: The Losers Congregate again!
Yearmates Gathering on 21st Feb evening at my place (: (And i hope Babe isn't cheating on me when she told me more than 5 people are coming)
gosh very bored in office now. i command u to update!
watching hanakimi. u should watch it too. then u'll have a common topic with ur pri sch students :P:P
that was me of course.
the nice ern who decided to post so peish can now post a reply
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