Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Break ... finally!

Firstly (and most importantly) Thanks Boobie and Babe for the Bday card! It totally made my day, cant say how it totally made the start of my easter break perfect (((:

Just back from an awesome lunch at Launceston Place to kickstart what i hope would be a great Easter break (although its only 1 pathetic break). The Gloucester Old Spot Pork was seriously one of the best pork dishes I have had in my life. The thin layer of fat under the crispy skin literally melts in your mouth. Absolutely heavenly! :D The lunch menu was really value, 20pounds for a 3 course meal (though they do add in a pre- starter and pre- dessert and free flow of bread on the house).
Gordon Ramsay is def next on my list of to try list.

Heading up to York for a couple of days, looking forward to trying out all the good food that dj has been talking about. And also shopping at the outlet! :D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Countdown to Easter Break.

The past week or so has literally been a bday celebration week (afterall, this is only whats expected for a princess).

But for those who are still vexing on what to get me for my bday, please ...
1. DONT get my any more food. Im in need of a diet.

I would however appreciated:
1. Tuning Fork sets: 512Hz +/- 128Hz ones
2. Ophthalmoscope set
Actually any form of sponsorship would do cos i know how ridiculously expensive medical equipments are!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Films, Films ... and more Films!

Why am I up at 4am and was asleep at 7.30pm?
My body clock is like officially screwed, which signifies Ive finally succumbed to following the lifestyles of most normal university students.

Im trying to decide if its quite loser to go watch movies on my own, cos there are so many shows now that I wanna catch:
1. Invictus
2. Green Zone
3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
4. Crazy Heart ... on DVD maybe

And shows coming up that I would like to catch:
1. How to train your dragon ... 3D!
2. Clash of the Titans ... 3D!
3. Kick- Ass
4. Nanny McPhee

And recent films that I think are worth watching (for you Boobie):
- The Hurt Locker (there is a reason why this is a big winner at the Oscars)
- Alice in the Wonderland 3D (cos its 3D and there's Johnny Depp. But dont get your hopes up cos it really was quite disappointing)

I couldnt quite appreciate Precious too much myself, despite all the rave reviews about it.
Everyone loved Up in The Air, but other than George Clooney I didnt quite like it that much.
I liked From Paris with Love, which is not a romantic film (but a thriller) despite its title. And since Bend it Like Beckham, I havent watched a Johnathan Rhys Meyer film for quite some time.
And Im waiting for the DVDs for Valentine's Day and Percy Jackson to come out.

Ok this is not a good sign at all considering I have already been on a 2 month work hiatus. Something possibly unheard of in Singapore, or amongst Singaporeans really.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Burnt Out.

The 4h nap I just had was awesome! Though it means that it has completely screwed up my sleeping schedule, and doubly worse cos I had it after a very very huge lunch (which is not a good idea considering Im in a perpetual uphill battle to lose weight).

I was kinda feeling a little burnt out ever since I transferred to the Whit. Im not sure if Im not used to the long hours, travelling time or just a new (extremely) keen firm. They just keep going on. Or is it just me not being able to sleep well at night. And I have reached a point in time, whereby Im quick sick of trying to make friends. I like making friends, only when its comes naturally, and not having to rack your brains all the time to find conversation or laugh at in-my-opinion-not-so-funny things. 3 years on, and I still feel the culture shock sometimes. I give Stef (and some others) full credit for being able to blend in so well and so easily. Maybe its just me who's resistant to change?

And all these on top of trying to get on top of my work, which is lagging to quite an embarrassing stage, going to the gym (to lose the pounds Ive put on since ... I cant even rem when was it that i ate in moderate amts) and still having a social life.
That being said, Im still looking fwd to the fun and meals this weekend, and my bday next week. And then it would be Easter break (although its a pathetic 1wk long), when I would be heading to York :D

I was deciding between studying or going to the gym, and Ive just spent an hour online.
Ok, maybe discipline is my problem.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The Blind Side

This movie is so good that i managed to stay awake and love it although I havent had sleep for the past 36h (blame night takes).
Based on a true story, it is def one of those feel good inspirational films you'll need to get your through half- term.

There's good ol' Sandra Bullock, whom I havent seen produce a good film in quite some time, who does the thing she does best and shows us how it can be so beautiful to age gracefully. She has managed to take on a mature motherly figure role and yet, make boys fantasize about her at the same time (not that i do, but i would if i was a guy).

The performances by the others were great as well, and best of all, all these feel good fuzzy stuff is based on something that has happened around us. This is an awesome story that is born 'cos someone has a great heart to make a difference to people around her.