Monday, January 25, 2010

Family's going to be in Town!

Part of me is super excited about my family coming tmr, but another part of me is totally not excited that my brother's friends are going to be staying in my room. Everyone that I have told me about has gone "Harrr? Your room how to squeeze another 3 more humans?"
Yar, like seriously God knows why my brother invited 2 more dudes. And my hunch is that they are not cute, which totally doesnt help. (Sorry, I am superficial.)

Had a pretty damn good weekend of superb food (celebrated Carmen's Bday at Indigo at One Aldwych), and watched tons of movies. (6 in a row.)
And if you havent watched it yet, The Hurt Locker is really quite fantastic :D

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Im watching Indiana Jones now, and the first thing that I think of when I heard Scorpion Bite was ... A rare cause of Acute Pancreatitis.

Sigh, 真的患了职业病.


Anyway, does anyone have any recommendations of any good movies? :D
Just watched Up yesterday (I know Im slow), and I feel bad for saying this but I think I only didnt like it that much cos I was truly extremely annoyed by the fat korean boy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Staying Foolish, Staying Hungry.

Today, I think I refound my enthusiasm for medicine. Its not that Ive ever hated medicine at any point of time, but once in a while, I find it hard to remain super-keen (something that should have been built into every singaporean, much less someone from the schools ive been to) or even worse, to actually attended scheduled lessons.

But today, as I held the hand of a confused man and managed to get him to listen to me and to calm down, I am reminded that this is actually something that I really want to do. And that Im never going to be a good doctor and make a difference if I dont put in the hard work. No work, no gain.

Something that my GP said to me today really struck me- He said that sometimes, all you need to do to deal with hyperventilation, is to hold your patients hand and breathe with them.
And that was what I did with a terrified old lady with such battered hands cos so many people has failed to get blood from her tiny veins (Ken did a lovely job at finding it though), and with the aforementioned confused old man, and I actually felt like I finally did make a difference as a medical student. Not just another self- centred brat, roaming the wards so that I can pass my finals. As Steve Jobs said to Stanford, I do hope that I would be able to Stay foolish, Stay hungry for as long as possible.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I know I must have looked like I dropped off from the face of Earth, but I think I might just have valid excuses for it.

I finally sent my lovely sexay Mac for repair at the awesome Genius Bar 'cos it kept crashing on me. (My poor lady suffered 5mths of epileptic shocks.) They took more than 2 weeks to get back to me even though they promised 10days.

After that, it was preparation for the highly disastrous exam I look yesterday. I felt like I have pretty much wasted my time studying for the paper.
I mean I was laughing as I walked out of the hall, cos its one of those papers which Im pretty damn sure I failed. It was basically a paper which tested the whole year's work as a practice for our end of years, but there were almost like zero surgery questions, which is basically the only thing which I have done properly. Cant say how depressing it was to flip through pages after pages of rheumatology (God help me on this.), skin problems, illnesses associated with the elderly and Gen Med Spec stuff :( Oh and not to forget histology. I dont admit those pink stuff aint pretty, but after 2.5years I really still have no idea what those blobs are man.

Decided to go watch Avatar: The Movie in 3D after that. And it was pretty damn awesome! :D
It was a pity we missed the first 20mins of it though (cos we were too hungry and greedy and thought that its unforgiveable to miss dinner even if it meant missing part of the show). I think I might actually go back to watch it in 2D, and get the DVD (extra footages!) when it comes out.

Going for Indian tonight with the councillors cos Hon is popping by from Lyon. Looking forward to some curry, esp in this awfully cold weather.
And Im so going to get all those movies from my flatmates and cuddle up in bed and catch up on what I have missed for the past, what feels like almost eternity.