Friday, February 16, 2007

Half Day OFF!

I might just get half day off from work today, meaning that I would be able to join the councillors for lunch even though i might miss the celebrations altogther (: Nevertheless, it has made my day slightly better with that wonderful piece of news, since it's really quite dull here without Doris (my only other colleague)

V-day was pathetic for me, and I dropped those 2 pri sch students whom i taught on that day, they were just too naughty for me -_-" This is when I think I rather forgo earning more money >_< I still have dignity!

Looking forward to CNY- to going to Chinatown with Stef and Mon on CNY Eve, to visiting each other's houses with the loser gang, to yearmate's and 406 (tentative) gathering at my place and to lotsa angpow collection from the adults! And of course, to my new waldrobe which I'm supposed to go stock up today with Prisc (:

And I am just reminded that it was Budget Day ytd, and I would have to go find out when would the GST hike be for the company. I think thanks to Budget Day, we didnt have results released today. I would think that Singaporeans can't take the double blow (and heart attack) of finding how badly their kids did and that GST is going to rise to 7% on July 1st. Thank god that it wasn't April 1st, bosses would have a hard time trying to tell people that it's not a joke the gvt is pulling.

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