Saturday, April 26, 2008

More Long Days Please!

I set a resolution to stay up and study till at least 12 for the nxt 3 wks or so,
and then i end up
stoning after 8pm
and sleeping at 10pm.

I just cant function without the sun,
Can the days be even longer than 6am-8pm? Please.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Teach me How to Get Through Med School.

Shit lar, everytime i open my texts or read my notes,
my eyelids droop,
and I fall asleep.

I a m
s c r e w e d.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away.

Im terribly homesick, but somehow not at all miserable.
I have tons of work to catch up with, I passed my anat spots (yay glori!) but i didnt do all that well (in fact it sucks if i were to compare it with the rest of the singaporeans), and Im perpetually tired (I doubt its still jetlag)...
But somehow during the hours Im awake (which is miserably pathetic already!), I have actually been feeling rather happy. Beats me why too, cos there are tonnes of reasons for me to be stressed and frustrated.

Weather in London was kind ytd, but today is back to that drabby drizzle and cold gloomy sky. May the sun come back again.
And may Erns and Miche get well soon.
And may I retain the information that I have read : (((

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back to Lonelyland.

Its about 24hrs before I have to leave for the airport, bound for gloomy london. And thats away from my favourite lovely sunny singapore for another 2mths or so. With anat tests and endofyears awaiting me : (

When I was young, i thought i was someone really independent. But of course, I have come to realise that being extremely un-dainty does not equate to being independent and strong.
I always thought that it would be easy for me to make friends, as long as I try. But i realise that as I grow up, it takes a lot more for me to refer to someone as a friend. And I generally become reluctant to make friends. (Yes I admit i actually dread having to go through the process.)
And I realised that I havent been appreciating my family enough.

Okok, back to doing PI for my brother.
And then packing that dreadful luggage for ... london :(

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I dont want to go back to London Help!

I'm a recently converted Jay Chou fan, and all because of a silly cowboy song. I know people like erns and dj and babe and boobs are going to laugh at me for catching on the jaychou fever this late, and over a silly song. But ahwell, i always have an odd taste for music anyway.

If I had a choice, I wont fly back to London :(
And I dont want to take anat spots or exams, and i dont even mind not touring europe or whatsoever in exchange for staying happily in singapore and listening to my JayChou and LeeHom and JackyCheung and watching all my Channel 55 shows.
