Finally, party time's over. Back to work, and feeling quite sickened by the fact that i've to get back to work. (And that results are going to be out next week.) MOE has yet to offically announce when the grades would be released, but rumours are rife that it would be out next friday. ERPS.
Anw, CNY has been great for me this year (though i didn't really feel the festive mood), but bad for my mum. According to her, she gave alot of angpows but we received very little -_-" heh.
17th Feb (CNY EVE) Went to Chinatown with Stef after reunion dinner (which did not offer steamboat this yr, but it was nevertheless yummy.) and it was really crowded. Couldn't stay up late that night, even though i was supposed to and fell asleep the moment i reached home.
18th Feb (CNY 1st Day) Visited my Gran's house and just bummed around, watching tv, junking, getting fat and occasionally going out to the hall to greet people and chat. Nothing interesting happened (as always)- TV remained intact despite being switched on for more than 24h, and with the random cousins of mine trying to fight to have the channel tuned to Cartoon Network, when I'm watching something halfway through. CME is obviously failing. Maybe it should start from home ... like manners.
But they are kida after all?
They've got the privilege of feigning ignorance, opening their eyes wide big, look genuinely misunderstood and say, "OH, did i do something wrong?" and get away with it. The power of being a kid of today.
Visited my Babysitter in Yishun at night, and had dinner at Mac's because most (chinese) food stalls were closed, and went back to Gran's house to realise that she left dinner for us. So we stuffed ourselves with the 2nd dinner.
19th Feb Lazed around at home, wasn't as happening as my brother, who organised some gathering with his Chinese High friends and went around visiting and collecting angpows. So allowed myself to lie in and sleep till about one. I think I was the only one at home (excluding my maid), even my parents had plans. My mum was encouraging me to get a life, and visit some friends, unfortunately, I suffered from serious inertia and couldn't move my bum off my bed. Finished reading Devil beside You manga, and felt disappointed that the character in the book was way cuter than Mike He, and Kingone Wang cuter than his manga counterpart.
Visited my other Gran's house in the evening, and met up with the cousins who are at least about my age. Nice talking to them, and one of my J1 cousins in SA miraculously turned good looking (hunky and just plain cute). I think it's just the school surroundings that does that to people. heh. I really can't think of any other logical explanation, unless he's in love (speaking of which, i won't be surprised). Nevertheless, it's always nice to catch up and yak with these cousins of mine (:
20th Feb (3rd day) Some of the sevenD people came over to my place in the noon, haven't seen them for ages, since most of the boys had disappeared into NS. And when they are out, they just continue talking about NS anyway. I wonder if the pt of NS is to let unsociable and uncommunicative guys have a common topic. As for the rest, it's nice to see ahgake and hing, and listen to jR that rubbish talk crap in his trademark ahbeng way. Crys is attached, though i didn't have a chance to ask her more about her new NP-ITE boyfriend, but she looks really doll-like now with her curls (:
Monica, Wenxi and Weeleng came over slightly later. And its always nice to have councillors around, we can just stone and sit around and then start gossiping. Though our gossip topic hardly deviates.
21st Feb (YEARMATES GATHERING!) Less than 10 people turned up, and none of them paid me back (cept for cel). So Babe is in trouble, I'm going to fine her by making her pay double! But still, it was nice. My maid cooked and fried some finger food, and we just sat in the car porch, listening to lame jokes and stuffing ourselves with food. Of course, given out yrmates, we have to do something silly, and meix and babe hid cel's wallet inside my tissue box (thereby contaminating the whole box of facial tissue), and yes it was the joke for everyone else for the rest of the night (can you believe at the silly things we laugh at?) Yearmates also bummed over at my TV room, to watch Hana Kimi (which i have to admit I'm recently addicted because Wu Zun is not bad) and the silly Channel 8 9pm show -_-" (that one is just plain cheesy, and boring. I can't believe Cel and Babe actually watches it. But it speaks alot about their taste i suppose), followed by Angels of Mission on Channel U, before most of them left reluctantly. Kaix the Pangsai stayed till 11 plus to entertain me though, long time since I've rubbished around with her. My mum says she turned prettier. (URGHS!) Still, it's good to have lame company.
22nd Feb (406 GATHERING) Turn out was quite good, though sadly, we kinda more-or-less stayed in our own cliques. But still had quite abit of fun playing bridge with the disgusting Juanie who does stuff like put down Ace of Clubd and call for Ace of Clubs as her partner, declare me the winner of the set when I put down 2 Diamond -_-" and Ern while she complained about her bitchy counterpart sect (: Most people left qte early though (unlike my yrmates), though cel yanling juanie and erns stayed back to play cards and watch shows. Yuhning came, cos Bryan's in camp. Liane had to leave early cos she has driving, prisc cos she's tired and Monkey home to talk to Bryan online (I bet!). And (even more) sadly, the losers are mtg up again in time to come. This is disturbing. And partly cos I want to borrow Hana Kimi from Prisc.
This pretty much sums up my CNY which has been quite exciting, making work now extremely mundane for me. URGHS. and I had to wake up at 7 to come to work at 7.30am cos my boss and colleague is away. I'm the only one at office now.
It's my chance to wreck it. HEH.
(and my chance to flirt with the China construction worker ah? -_-")