Saturday, July 04, 2009

Nothing to Hide.

If only, they actually serve us with uniform like this. I would be happy to pledge allegiance to NZ ;)

Finally, after much talking and planning and not doing anything about it, I finally got my butt down to wakeboarding yesterday. So now Im burnt with odd tan lines, red like a lobster (though Hing def fare worse), aching all over (like i didnt know that your gluteal/ butt muscles can actually ache) but happy as a lark. It was really good fun and the crowd that I went with was perfect. Enough lame people to keep me entertained, enough good friends to make me feel blessed and glad that Im back in Singapore doing stuff like this, and enough guys to keep wanting to go again and again on the board cos Im so weak/ unfit that after 20mins or so (though it feels like 1hr to me) Im completely shagged. Plus it totally helped that yuhning was even more unfit than me, which kinda helped keep my ego intact. (But i love you still babe.)

Im going for an NDP rehearsal today at the Marina floating platform! Looking forward to it.
And then there's Loser's outing again, which Im pretty sure would be good fun.
Sharan's place on monday (if i dont feel too lazy).
Who says being jobless aint a good thing?

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