Monday, July 27, 2009

Meeting 6L.

Primary school gathering yesterday was an awkward affair. At least for me it was. For one, me and Lily were straddling loser outing together with meeting our old friends whom we havent seen for like forever and ever. It was real odd cos we were drifting in and out of the group, and actually barely talking to any of the 6L people. Most people havent changed, but i have to admit i forgot most of them (names and faces... oops). But as my teacher (who turned up too) said, I was one of those that blended it cos I was a good kid, so I actually didnt mingle much with most people. Now no one can imagine me being a good kid eh? But i was def one of those who melted into the chair and I have this suspicion that if we didnt have fixed seatings or register numbers, no one would notice that I was gone from the class.
But still it was nice meeting my old teachers and seeing them :)

Parkway definitely brings back loads of wonderful memories for me. It still remains one of my fave shopping centres till today. They have an awesome food court, and prices of the things here are not yet jacked up to obscene figures. Shopping here is relatively decent and its never too empty, and yet never to insanely crowded. And for me, because I practically grew up here (from bday celebrations to tuition classes, I was in Parkway if I wasnt at school), I like the way it has a refreshing new look but hasnt changed so much such that I cant recognise it anymore.

1 comment:

tafmai said...

what i remember most about parkway is buying red cross socks from there. hahaha love, your quartermistress