I think Im going wayy overboard in blogging,
But I just have to proclaim my love for MIKA now now now.

Check out his happy, funky official website:
It's like lollipop land, wonka's world, a paradise!
And my favourite song of his right now:
Relax, Take it Eaaaassssyyy (:
(OOOH, I just love his voice and this the lyrics for this song particularly.)
And here's one that would make most girls happy!:
Big Girl (You are Beautiful)
This is a Classic of Mika's:
Grace Kelly
Absolutely mind-blowing voice!
And this songs makes me reallyyy jumpy and happy!:
Who doesnt love a lollipop? (:
And for once, I am glad Im in London,
Cos im gonna catch Mika Live!
So if you are game for it as well, come bug me about it,
And we can all go
Nutters over this absolutely talented man <3

I just love men like that.
you love men like what? hahaha
(i like my eccentric year 3 senior in creative writing class. 'like' as in he intrigues me but that's that. he has long straight black hair haha are you screaming in fright!)
There are more eccentric people in london i tell you, maybe you will fall in love with half my coursemates.
I love men like Mika and Peter Petrelli. See the link? My friend reckons they are pretty similar.
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