Saturday, December 03, 2011

A&E Week 2

Shiftwork really does messes up your sense of time and social life (wait, what social life?). I have completely lost track of time- my days are no longer mondays or saturdays but have all come to merge into 1 long week ... or day. Its now either on or off, nights on or day on, in Resus Room, Critical Care area or just P3 (ie. I dont know why they are in A&E actually).
I know I do sound like Im whining, but I have to say, Im really loving this attachment. Mainly because Ive been meeting such inspiring doctors who have shown me how its possible to be remain true to what we've all set out to be when we first entered med school, how we shld continually up our clinical skills and acumen and not be sucked into the system and become just yet another member of the production line (ordering all the routine tests and making everyone go through protocols for the sake of doing so) and picking up many skills of the trade.

I love A&E, but Im not sure if I would like to do it for life (besides the fact that Ive found another specialty i love more). Yes, it is exciting and yes, as a consultant you probably get to plan your shifts such that you get alot of time off to do other things, but I think what really bothers me (yes, i know you will all say I have a massive ego) is that they seem to have to take the flak from everyone in the hospital- especially when they refer a pt to them. Everyone seems to doubt the abilities and clinical judgement of e-medics and try to avoid their calls as much as possible. I can never phantom why, for 9/10x, their management plan is appropriate. Plus, if you try to avoid all admissions and not have any patients, you cant really be a doctor anymore can you? You probably are just a chap with a MBBS cert.
Pardon the angst but Im feeling really sorry for these AE chaps whom i feel deserve a tad more respect from their peers!

Ok time to get ready to set off for shift work again!

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