Sunday, September 28, 2008
One of us, One of Them.
I can't wait for Heroes episode 3 to come out!
I want it now now now now!
I have officially gotten my roomie onto Heroes as well. Oopseyy.
And this was what she introduced to me:
Songs Update.
Anyway, i knew Jay Chou had a new single but didnt have the chance to watch it till today:
And Lee Hom has a new song too!:
SHE has new songs too:
天亮了- As with those 2 above, its pretty similar to all their old songs.
And Hebe seems to have had a new haircut, I prefer her old one though, she used to look alot cuter (and better).
Ella looks much better now though, wonder if the company has finally decided to let her look slightly more feminine after 花样.
According to Baidu, Mayday seems to have a new song as well. But i cant seem to find it on youtube. And for some reason, baidu doesnt show up any results no matter what i type.
Meanwhile, I'm a converted Maroon 5 fan. I hope they come to London!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Planning for Intermodule week.
Anyway, I'm heading down to Barcelona with Ernie from Tue, 4th Nov to Thurs, 6th Nov. (UCL intermodule week)
Would love you to join us (:
Tickets on ryanair are going on about 5-10 pounds return (including taxes). Or you might just be able to get even better deals!
Plus Ernie-ku's going to come down to London from the 6th to 10th as well, and we'll hopefully be watching load of plays and musicals or doing touisty stuff. Either way, its gonna be fun.
So meanwhile, it means that i should be a good girl and get some work done!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
School starts.
At least the admin is kind enough to start the first day with only 1 proper lecture. But year 2 timetable is quite disgusting, with almost all full day lectures and labs, plus 2 dissection sessions a week. But, I'm (disturbingly) still feeling rather excited about school. I wonder how long this will last though, 'cos i think once the tiredness and not being able to catch up with stuff sets in, then it would be a whole different story altogether.
And for Heroes fans, season 3 episode 1 is finally out!:
(Claire looks hotter than ever!)
But I have to say season 1 is still my favourite, Im not quite used to Peter being a baddie. Or is he?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sale to clear my room.
Meanwhile, I have a couple of books to sell:
1. The Testament- John Grisham (2 pounds)
2. The Rainmaker- John Grisham (2 pounds)
3. 5th Horseman- James Patterson (2 pounds)
4. The Game- Neil Strauss (3.5 pounds)
Other things for sale:
1. Notebooks in all shapes and sizes (Selling according to price tag behind, with some discount if you like. Got it from popular singapore, so should be cheaper than London.) Will throw in some free post- its if you fancy.
2. Milo 3-in-1 fuze satchets
3. Ovaltine
4. Utensils trays (1 pound each, almost new and awesome for putting all your stationery and what-nots neatly)
5. Heat packs
6. Mika Original CD (3.5 pounds)
Just message me if you are interested in becoming the new owner of any of my stuff (: Most are almost new, and in good condition. I'm just trying to unclutter my room.
I want your pictures (:
My room's pretty decent and comfy, roomie nice, food here at MIC is making me fat (breakfast spread rocks my socks off), and I'm settling in fine. Although, I still have half my luggage in Connaught waiting to be brought over to MIC (so anyone who is nice enough to volunteer to help me move will be my hero).
School's gonna start full force next wed, and I guess its high time for me to drag out some books and notes and get into the swing of things.
Also, I'm in the process of sprucing up my room. So if you guys are feeling nice, please send me some nice pictures of yourselves, I have this huge noticeboard in front of me that's waiting to be filled up. (My addie's on facebook.)
As for london fellas, I lost my simcard, so I'm currently uncontactable on mobile. Either call rae, or email me. (I'm not being anti on purpose.)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September 22nd. Mark your calendars.

And (even more) sadly, I have quite a couple of friends who think so too, and can do awesome tricks with this.
Secondly, my love for green has extended to dyeing my hair (olive) green, complete with (disgusting ah beng) streaks of blonde (dark brown claims the hairdresser).
So meanwhile, all I can do live with it and hope that it will fade, or that the angmohs would think I'm one of them now.
Thirdly, I'm sosososososo excited about this:
And it seems like claire's gonna turn bad. I mean she's so hot now, its almost impossible for her to remain nice and sweet and good right?
Peter still looks like he's good though. That's my boy ;)
The long awaited day's finally coming!
And in case you didnt know, Heroes has webisodes!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
32nd's embarrassing secret.
I bet you guys didnt know this was on youtube :x
Oh my my my, I dont know whether to laugh or cry.
Pre- London makes me emo.
Part of me laugh at myself for being all so emo, and the other part doesnt want me to stop being like that, 'cos its a really awesome to know that you have friends who seems like they would be there forever. (Oh man, so cheesy, I so have got to stop this.)
A couple more days before I'm off. It means a whole term more of stressing out to make the mark and not disappoint everyone back home, trying to integrate into the angmoh lifestyle (and re-learn how to small talk), and getting used to the fact that you have to do laundry and cook and change your bedsheets yourself again. And for me this coming year, living with someone else, meaning that I almost always wont have any alone time. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that I would like my roomie, and be able to get use to the lack of personal and private space.
But all in all, I'm glad I'm doing what I am doing, at where I am. I've opened my eyes to a whole load more things, and learn to appreciate everything more.
Plus, it does allow me to travel quite abit ;) Although it would be nicer if I have loads more money to do more of it.
PS. Flights to Norway, Oslo during UCL intermodule week going for 2pounds (no taxes!) on ryanair. Anyone interested?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
This is for you Monkey ;)
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: Lazy to check.
Name: Peishan
Sisters: None.
Brothers: 1 favourite person in the whole world.
Shoe Size: 6.5
Height: 163cm
Where do you live:
Favourite drinks: Coffee!
Favourite breakfast: 斋米粉, Youtiao & Soyabean
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yeps.
Swam in the ocean: Yeps (:
Fallen asleep at school: I'm only normal.
History lessons
Broken someone's heart: Mum's?
Fell off your chair: Probably, sounds pretty much like me.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No.
What is your room like:
What's right beside you: PKK health questionnaire stats
The last thing you ate: KFC
Ever had chicken pox: Yes.
Sore throat: Nopes, not now.
Stitches: Nopes.
Broken nose: No.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Probably not. But surprise me (:
Like picnics: Totally!
Who was, were the last person you danced with: My last partner at swing dancing?
Last made you smile: Steamboat with PKK dudes last night?
You last yelled at: The bug on my shirt.
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: I talk to my brother everyday.
Kissed anyone: Nopes.
Get sick: Nope.
Talk to an ex: Nope.
Miss someone: Yeah.
Eat: It's not the first day you know me right ;)
Best feeling in the world: When the person you like tells you he likes you back. (copied you monkey, but I agree.)… OH, probably the day I’m married!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Nope, I kick them off.
What's under your bed: Dust probably. (copied you monkey.)
Who do you really hate: Feeling the love too much now.
What time is it now?: Lazy to check.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Sail and swim competitively.
2. Starting going gaga about harry potter.
3. Starting wearing contacts.
4. Catching every single episode of power rangers and ninja turtles.
5. Learning chinese calligraphy.
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Not eat so much.
2. Finish PKK presentation to send to stef.
3. Meet ze for dinner.
4. Motivate my brother to pass exams.
5. Visit my grandfather at CCK cemetery.
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Pocky!
2. Pandan cake
3. Egg Tarts (Portuguese esp!)
4. Fruits!
5. Mango sticky rice and loads of other desserts
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Buy myself and my family anything they want. Have a amazing home for all of us (:
2. Set up a hospital in my name (or grandfather's.)
3. Invest to earn more money. (And be a billionaire for life.)
4. Finish med school, take loads of time off to volunteer in interesting places and travel.
5. Get married and have kids.
5 of my bad habits:
1. Biting my nails.
2. Procrastination
3. Sleeping too much.
4. Comfort bingeing
5. Being too sharp on the tongue sometimes.
5 places I have lived in:
1. Senette Estate, Potong Pasir
2. Connaught Hall,
3. Bedok Reservoir
4. Telok Kurau
5. Tampines
5 people I tag: (I don’t know many people who have blogs, or read mine :x But tell me if you actually responded! You don’t have to be one of those below.)
1. Ernie
2. Boobie
3. Miche?
4. jR? Xun?
5. Shaoren?
I was just watching this US game show, The Moment of Truth where contestants answer a series of 21 increasingly personal and embarrassing questions to receive cash prizes. To me those questions were so straightforward and simple to answer (and I would be happily walking away with loads of money to pay school fees is I was able to sign up for it.) But I just wonder if I could say so in about 15 years time, since now, I only have 20years worth of secrets (which dont amount to a lot really since you dont really have substantial secrets in your first 10 years of life.)Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Loves the losers.
And i really havent felt like this for a good long time, not since about 1yr ago maybe?
Either way, we had the (for the first time in eons) an almost complete loser gathering ('cept for huien who is still stuck in aussie) and I'm reminded once again there are people out there who would listen to me gush about him, or to hear me whine/bitch about her or just to tell me that the pair of shoes, as much as i like them, look terrible on me. Its lovely really, because there was once when i thought that everything has changed and that such an outing was really quite impossible.
I mean yn is thinner, i am fatter, prisc is smarter, dj's in army and lily's planning to get her toes painted again; but all in all, everything's still the same. It's with old friends like this, you get to make dumb comments, act cute or just be plain bitchy; and we still love you. It's awesome really, and with them, I share a bond that's probably more unique than with my yearmates or council mates.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
What a wonderful world.
This guy is awesome.
He gave me goosebumps for being so good, and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
<3 SO and gang.
It was almost magical, cos despite the discouraging weather forecast that it would rain today, it only started pouring after 3pm (which was when our session ended). I'm not sure if Kenneth's prayer worked or it was just pure luck or something else, either way, thanks for the great weather. Not too hot and not too rainy.
And everyone on our boat was so amazing, almost everyone got up in about 2-3 tries, and were attempting 1 hand and jumps (which we all failed) and what not.
Good job fellow Secret Organization (SO) members- Limin, Mark, Zhi En; its time for us to present ourselves in a new (positive and cool) light. And our honorary members of the day- Josie and Kenneth.
My cheeks are red, limbs aching slightly, but feeling very happy indeed on the inside. So much so I cant stop smiling like an idiot to myself.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
And I like daydreaming.
My mum's paranoid about me going to africa and contracting AIDs (I'm a failure for not being able to raise awareness about this in my very own home). So, I have kinda narrowed down to Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Belize, Ghana (im trying my luck with mum) or China.
Plane tickets are ex (close to S$2k for a multi-stop flight from London to Chennai (India) to Singapore) and medical elective course fees (1 mth) are about US $2.5k.
The course in Nepal is cheaper at about 540euros, but plane tickets are insanely expensive from London to Kathmandu. But its appealing cos I was also thinking of travelling to Tibet afterwards. Either way, I hope this actually works out.
Check them out: (They have non- med electives too!)
Projects Abroad:
And if planning for summer seems a little too far away, I have been busy trying to make my life more interesting to battle the reluctance of returning to London. It's actually quite exciting daydreaming about all the things you can do.
1. 4th/ 5th Oct- Musical & Thorpe Park outing with SO members
(That is if Zhien actually comes down from manchester.)
Join us if you like rollercoasters:
Plus, there is a 2nd free day if you book before 5th Oct.
2. 14th- 16th Nov- BBC Good Food Show in London!
This is absolutely awesome. If you are singaporean, you so have to go for any one of these (London, Glasgow, Birmingham- take your pick). Its loads of good, free/ cheap food and wine. Esp on the last day in the last few hours where the stall holders are trying to clear their stock, you can get real steals.
Im actually thinking of going for the London one and giving the Birmingham one a miss this year (although Gordon Ramsay would be there), and using the weekend to travel up to York to see dj and getting her to bring me to the gorgeous meadows. Or maybe get her to travel up to Lake district with me, or maybe visit Oxbridge. But of course, all these depends on whether I am suffocating under my workload yet.
3. Sweden/ Finland
In the process of planning a trip up to Helsinki to visit Ernie during intermodule break (5th Nov- 9th Nov). Currently, tickets to Stockholm are real cheap at about 30pounds or so on Ryanair, and about US $180 to Helsinki.
Tell me if you are interested in the trip, or visiting Ernie <3 style="font-weight: bold;">4.
4. Carnival of Venice 2009
February 13 2009 to February 24 2009
"For two weeks St. Mark's Square, the theaters, streets, squares and public buildings become the protagonists of numerous initiatives and shows: actors, acrobats, dancers and musicians bring a celebration atmosphere to the city for a few days, which is similar to that of the XVII century."
Missed this last year, and I really dont want to miss it this year. (I have a feeling that I wont be able to catch it in the coming years if i dont catch it this year.) And ryanair offers flights to Venice, how awesome is that!
Plus this year, it falls during intermodule week too.
Plus, I would be home for xmas. And my family is planning a holiday to China.
Now now, my coming academic year aint so bad after all.
But i really do wonder how many of this would actually come true hur. But at least daydreaming makes me happy. Hah.