Friday, February 22, 2008

Screwed Sleeping Schedules :((

I have a dull throbbing headache, and I dont think I have enough sleep, but Im awake. Which is annoying me quite a bit. Im wishing that my sleeping patterns can be more sane, and that there is something that I can do about it. Maybe, I will do something about this 'cos the wrecked sleeping patterns really are getting on my nerves.

Im now back to my old habits, holing up in my room reading all sorts of crap again. And loving every minute of living in a fictional world.

There are loads of quotable quotes in the current book I'm reading, but one of my favourite (and shortest and hence easiest to type and remember) is:
"It is not lying; it is flirting." How very true isnt it? (:


Kelvin said...

there's a way for you to work your hours back to normal and it helps you lose weight like you've been wanting to too. it's the thing we call "the gym". lol

tafmai said...

what's the quote mean?

means flirting = lying ah :O