I love you loads babe!
I feel slightly guilty,
But very happy ((:
I decided to give myself a break today, (whoever mugs during CNY!)
and watch Kang Xi late into the night (or this morning to be more precise),
And then sleep in late (I didnt wake up till my parents called from home.),
And miss PDS. (we deserve a holiday dont we!)
But i guess once in a while,
we should be allowed to be naughty, if it makes us feel good,
especially when its Chinese New Year!
Anyway, I'm feeling really happy (and maybe bordering on being high) now,
'cos my maid is discharged from the hospital (though she does have to go back for further checkups. Apparently she has some problems with her intestines. Im praying that its nothing serious.),
And my grandmother sounds very happy when I called her just now, (and i cant say how much this has made my day)
And I received wonderful gifts from my favourite bimbo prommie this morning, (the best thing that has happened to me today! and the best gift i have received ever since I came!)
And a card from ah xiu, ( Babe im missing you loads! I'll see you soon in Easter!)
And many well wishes from the beautiful sunny island set in the sea.
Suddenly, spending CNY so far away on another continent without all the goodies and silly stephen chow shows and bumming around with my cousins aint that bad anymore.
And as i type, Im stuffing my face with the pineapple tarts (yum!) and durian egg roll (yummier i swear!) and egg tarts and steamed salmon,
I'm quite looking forward to steamboat dinner with the birmies tonight,
Looking at the proposed spread of food is making me drool already.
I cant wait!
*I wish I dont have to go for SSC but i already ponned last week :( Otherwise, I really would just not go for any lessons today, and watch old shows on youtube and enjoy the festive season!*
So to the people in back in the most beautiful country in the world,
(And of course, my wellwishes and love extends to those in Japan and Aussie and UK too!)
Shao: Thanks for the well wishes! Hope that your CNY is going well with loads of angpows :P I miss you loads!
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