Saturday, February 16, 2008

my baby brother.

I'm talking to my brother now, and its been quite a long time since i last had such a long conversation with him, even if its on MSN. And it is shocking me quite abit that my baby brother is growing up. He is having his own life now, and he is having the rebellion streak now, not listening to what mama says and coming back late at night (for a jc student at least).
It worries me A LOT, but i guess its all part of growing up. He tells me things and I see where he is coming from ('cos i used to think like this too) but I know that whatever I say to advise him otherwise wont work, cos he has to be go through everything to get what I mean. But i dont really want him to go through those unnecessary stuff that I had gone through?

So i guess all I can do is pray that there would be good luck following him all along through his JC life.

And i really hope he doesnt end up like me, with loads of regrets (although I would admit that i do have things to rejoice about!). Hopefully he would have a great, fun and memorable JC life with wonderful results ... and hopefully some kickass scholarship!

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