Because of the way blogger is (or possibly cos I dont know how to use it well), the pictures I post last come up first.
Presenting some pictures of HC night ...(Though most of the good ones are with Mark. I'll post them when I do get them.)

That's Mark leaving his mark on the back of the banner after the event.

That's my boss, the programme IC, Lionel. Pity the picture was blur.

Tha'ts Big Boss/ Commchair, Yih Sheng, delivering his speech after the event.

That's Big Boss leaving his mark on the banner.

Big Boss's mark.

Boss's mark. and yes, PROG ROCKS (:

And that's mine.

With the ex-councillors. One of my favourite pictures (:
(Chor Ming, Seng Choon, Mark, Me)

Me and Amelia, she was the song IC for the night.

Boss and I

Khai Lin and QZ. A rather flattering shot of them (:

Minshin and I. She was the
pretty lady of the night :) Lucky girl!

With Disong and Weichao (who wasnt a Hwachongian but came to support anyway.)

Our lovely banner.

With the lady boss/ my vicechair, Jingzhi. She was really wonderful to work with.

With Chor Ming, he was the Dance IC of the night :)

The Doorgifts, handphone socks which I fabric-painted.

Chieh Hwee during mass dance.

The dance ICs- Chor Ming and Jingzhi

Me and Miche and the HC bear that I wanted so badly.

My lil brother Mark and I (:
(He looks like a nerd now doesnt he, with his new haircut.)
I think I should be bucking up, and doing things with more zest and enthusiasm. Not just my studies but everything else as well.
HC Night has just ended and while I'm really glad it turned out rather well (in my opinion at least!), and even more glad that I got to knowlovely lovely people (whom im missing quite alot now!) through this event- people like Boss/ Lionel (my programmme IC), Xue Kun (fellow prg IC mate), Yih Sheng/ Big Boss/ Commchair, Jiang Yue the lovely emcee and Dada's exclassmate. Plus, I think if I wasnt in HC night I wont be meeting Mark at all even when we are both in London.
I think I could have done more for it, but somehow I dont know why but I did not put my all into it, I wonder if its part of me that tells me I dont want to be doing something like in Council again, when actually I think I might be feeling better if I do? (: Either way, I dont think I would ever feel a sense a satisfaction in anything (even if it turned out well) if I didnt feel like I have given it my all. I'm not saying Im not satisfied with the way HC night is (It is wonderful!), but I guess its my prom commchair mentality acting up again. I love it when I see the bonds being built, seeing the team bond, helping the people around me achieve their potentials and going through all the crap together to achieve something. I think what Im missing from HC Night is the comm, especially my programme comm, and the people whom I might have gotten to know better if I had put in more effort. I guess, I only have myself to blame for it. Or maybe one day, I would be blessed with the chance to get to know them again (: