Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My b'day(s) sucked. I'm anal and sore about it, but i cant really be bothered till today to actually complain about it. I think the best thing about my b'day was that I actually had one to look forward to, though there was nothing special about it anw. I had 2 lessons in the morning, and one of them irritated the hell out of me by dragging for another half hour (or more). I was trying hard not to fall asleep for the other one. Went our for dinner with my family after that, though it wasnt one of the best dinner I had, in fact I would think it to be almost equivalent to the daily solo lunches I have at Raffles Place. I couldnt be bothered to buy a cake (i didnt feel like blowing candles or wasting money to get it), the food at swensen's was ok but not fantastic, not that I liked western food and not that they knew i dont. Forgot to bring my wallet out so i couldnt buy myself a present. B'days are nothing special since i couldnt break my 11 o clock bedtime curfew anw.
In fact, I hated every single minute of it, it was just another sickening sunday which reminded me that I'm old. Monday was technically my Chinese B'day, and it sucked more. My mum ranted at my to let my brother use the computer (with the printer) cos all his documents were in there. Like mine werent, and like I didnt need the printer while he did.

I think I'm a temperamental asshole. Unfortunately at this very moment, I just feel like being one.
Life is just a chore now.

Got this off ern's blog. According to her, your blood type determines your personality.

Type B
Best Traits: Creative, passionate, animal loving, optimistic, flexible and individualistic.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.

Then I'm sure that there was some mix-up in my medical report, I'm not creative (though my horoscope insists that I am as well) and I dont fancy animals. Using Ern's scale of determining personality, I can just as well be Type Z. My blood type dont exist.
Well, I remember someone telling me, "Everyone's Unique." So which school of thought makes sense?

Can this week just end?

I just want it to pass,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u are a B? u seem more like O to me. anyway sorry dear..i'll try to keep u company..like through sms and stuff. just grit ur teeth...the week will pass soon enough!
