Saturday, January 07, 2012

Final Sem in London Week 1

First week back in London and Im adjusting again ...
Adjusting to the fact that I:
1. Need to do my own laundry, meals and shopping.
2. Need to travel to hospital myself, chugging along slowly on the tube and have no one to send me back at the end of a long tiring day. (Although michael my new best friend has very kindly given a couple of lifts so far.)
3. Dont have someone waiting for me at the end of the day, someone to just listen to me share about my mundane day or just sit with me and watch TV.
4. Dont have good hot hawker food for lunch and supper. And all sorts of yummy asian food easily within reach.
5. Dont have such a great mentor at work who inspires me in all sorts of way- work ethics, clinical acumen and his compassion for patients.

Despite the whole long list of moans and whines, I am still glad to be back in London. I have a love hate relationship with London- I think she is beautiful but yet, sometimes I hate the way she can be so temperamental and get so gloomy at times. I love the fact that there are so many places to explore in London, so many exciting activities to do and things see and yet hate the fact that 'cept for partying and clubbing (which I dont do much) and possibly a chinatown meal there isnt much to do at night. I like the way no one ever snaps at me for being slow and incompetent and yet I absolutely hate the inefficiency here (compared to Singapore). I really do miss the fast- paced lifestyle in Singapore, and yet I just find it so difficult keep up with the rest back home. I love the freedom I have here but I dislike the additional responsibilities and ... miss the people back home terribly.

I guess, the best thing to do now is to really enjoy the remaining 7 months in London. And then head back home ... finally. Hopefully then, I would be missing London but not complaining about wishing to be back in London instead.

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