The mandatory tourist shot just as we were about to leave.

With the councillors, my family away from home.

At the dubiously fast ferris wheel. (With not much safety precautions.)
The cold of the day totally didnt help in calming down my nerves. But it was memorable i suppose :D

The nougats were pretty awesome. We had the Amaretto one :D


Random french stuff that was pretty yummy too.

Spanish Paella.
It was pretty good and quite a good serving for the price (at a fair where you would expect to be completely ripped off.)

The indoor part of the fare.

Us 自highing as usual.
We basically climbed into the emergency exit of a hotel's restaurant and pretended we were explorers.
I have had pretty good week :D
Went down to Bury St Edmund's for the xmas fare on Sat and then to watch La Clique on Sunday with the councillors. La Clique was quite ranchy and pretty awesome, I would say its really one of the best shows to watch. We had the standing seats and it gave us a real good view of all the acts (in fact it was nxt to one of the 2 stages), costing at only 15pds :D
Started Pathology week at Archway, and I would say i really quite like the whittington hospital. Its alot newer and nicer than I expected it to be (And yes, it is my first time there. Sad I know considering Im in my 3rd year.) And the food there is really just quite amazing. Muffins from muffin break are like ooooppphhhhhmmm (I dont want to think about the calorie intake). Esp the apple and cinnamon ones. Though the carrot one is pretty good as well. The cakes they do are pretty damn awesome too. Though I think going to the gym for 1hour would only help burn off like 1 muffin worth of calories, but Im choosing to be a camel and delude myself into thinking that working out allows me to eat :D I cant do without sweet stuff. And as Wenxi said, sweet stuff is meant to make you happy! Why be miserable yeah?
Staying in home over this wkend to catch up on sleep (woke up past 11am today, how shiok is that!) since we would be starting Cardio nxt wk and it does look pretty intense.
Plus meeting Charm and Esther for dinner on Monday, UCL festive fair on tues, Grease with the councillors on Wed, Dinner party with the medics on Friday, Steamboat/ KTV with HC people on Sat ... What an exciting week it is going to be!
And after this, it would be time to save up.
Thank goodnes Im not going on Hol, I will def bankrupt my parents at this rate :x
Life is good, but I still miss home :(
I miss the sun and my room and going wakeboarding and being able to run around my estate and skip in my car porch.
I miss my maid's cooking, and Sgp's so damn awesome food.
And most of all, I miss just randomly walking into my brother's room and making fun of him.
And Im also glad that Wilson has finally stopped becoming too nice. I found it absolutely shocking that he was once willing to give his (jerk of a) patient his own blood to save his life and now part of his liver. I dont think I would ever be able to do that really. For family, yes, but for a patient, I dont even think it would ever cross my mind.
T Mobile sent me a text recently telling me that my phone bill for the last month was 60pds. (Like what the @£%^U right!) I nearly had a heart attack there and then. Im def going to call them first thing on Monday and find out why. And I think im going to change my phone provider to O2 since they do free landline calls, which would make my skype to go really cheap :D (Since calling home is pretty much what is sucking up my talktime.)
Time to get back to trying to do some reading :D
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