Hin Khao's really beautiful in its own way. The people, the village, the rice fields and the sunrise and sunsets.

Beautiful padi fields, they really take my breath away.

The road to Hin Khao.

Village life, complete with ducks and dogs.

Beautiful sunrise (:

Aline and Louise having fun with the kids.

Miche, retarded Jerome and Alf.

Our humble abode. With our cheater stick-on sponsor signs falling off.

The kids seem to love this, and kept bugging us to swing them about.

Not so cute Zhi En and Cute thai kid.

Stef and Zhi En teaching Wild Wild West. Whoever would have expected stef to be teaching DANCE?

Learning thai dancing during Hin Khao's aerobics session.

Stef spreading the joy of HC mass dance to the village kids.

Set on You, with village kids!

Twist Twist Twist ...

Sam's adopted boy, who is helping us with our sharps bin.

Our mobile clinic kit.

Testing for Diabetes.

Yay, we managed to convince the villagers to put oil on their
naam ning (stagnant water).

Testing for hypertension, which is quite common in the village actually.

African masks!

Alf and his little boy. Why is the teacher snapping pictures during class hur?

Family Day/Telematch with the kids.

Jerome making water bombs.

Sam, the human clothes hanger. Wonderful front page advert for PKK hur?

They are so amazingly agile. Put us singaporean kids to shame.

Zhi En looks quite sadistic here. And that's my
gruum kai leart aawk (Dengue team) prop.

Making the kids do my favourite jump shot.

Kids hammering Chiehyang.

Packing kids into boxes. Sam's good idea.

Doraemon, cos he is the fattest kid in the village. No wonder they have no need for TAF club man.

Louise and Joy. She's my absolute favourite girl, so so gorgeous no?

Stef actually looks maternal here!

Ba Tong Pai Ya Ban (First Aid)

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