Sunday, February 28, 2010
虽然我们相识无言中 彼此情谊不深 心灵却相通
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Mixed Feelings
But i guess its time to get on track and get some work done, esp with a new term starting. Have been jetting about and been out of school more than Im in (not good since Im supposed be a full time student, and a med student as that). Oh and also, stop eating so much and get some exercise and LOSE SOME WEIGHT :( Wished I could be someone who would be able to eat loads and loads and not put on any weight.
HC Night this Sat. Looking forward to seeing the councillors. At least that would brighten up my spirits a little after my brother leaves.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hongbaos for Haiti

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and half of its population are under 21years old. Although rescue missions are starting to end, funds are urgently needed for rebuilding and to provide safe water, temporary shelter systems, essential medical supplies etc. UNICEF concentrates their works on orphans, young children and their mothers. As we all know, these people are usually the ones who are most vulnerable in such disasters.
So here I am, appealing to all of you, no matter where you are in the world, to extend a little of your kindness as you enjoy this festive season to these people. Please join our FB group to help spread the msg, and you can make your donation via this website.
What we hope is that, you would not only make the donation, but leave a personal msg for your friends to do the same. No amt is too little, and telling 1 other friend is also great help! And hopefully, together all of us would be able to raise a substantial amt by the end of the CNY.
Here's wishing everyone an awesome chinese new year! 新年快乐!