Friday, November 16, 2007

Stef's in London.

Well, its unbelievable how Stef coming to London can brighten up my day (well, there isnt much sun here to begin with. and its pitch dark now). I havent been blogging much mainly cos of:

1. Inertia
2. Endless amount of revision: whoever said first year medics are slack should be shot and fried. Well, but i have to admit, its pretty much self- imposed? But isnt it for all courses anyway?
3. Loads of emails and wall posts to reply to on a daily basis: No complaints, since i really look forward to hearing from singapore (or whichever part my friends are from)
4. Skype: Skyping home sure takes up alot of time, and since i do it on a daily basis, it has kinda become a timetabled block.
5. Packing my room, washing dishes, laundry: I now have an idea why there is actually a demand for maids- Household chores sure take ALOT of time, even when my room is puny (well, as are all london rooms)
6. Sleeping: I seem to be sleeping alot and feeling very tired all the time. I have no idea why, but i really hope there is nothing wrong with me.
7. Long dinners: I'm starting to make an effort to start socialising and making friends with my hallmates. Well, its not going to work up for me if I keep holing up in my room, though i really prefer it this way. But social dinners with my hallmates are cool too, since I seem to have found a bunch that Im getting more comfortable with.
8. Socials: Ok, i have to admit, i dont really have many. But when I do, it takes up time too right ;) haha.
9. Crunchyroll/ youtube: I'd rather youtube/ crunchyroll over blog anytime. It's just that im going cold turkey to stop my addiction now.
10. PERPETUAL EXAMS: Exams in 2 weeks (again). Seriously, I feel like im in A level mode all the time. And I'm so looking forward to christmas break ... when I can use the time to .. guess what? Catch up -_-" hahha.

Time to pick up stef from King's Cross. Maybe i can explore and find that random trolley stuck in the wall (:

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