The food in hall is getting really quite bad- Here I have before me Fried Haddock, Fish and Chips style, and I tell you, even with a pack of mayo/ ketchup squeezed onto every single piece which i put to my mouth, I can still SMELL the unfreshness of it. Its just
so bad.
I think Im just going to give it a go, and grab supper from Subway or Tesco's later at night, as a treat for myself if I manage to stay up beyond 10pm.
I just had my formatives (which is kinda of like a mini test which isnt included but recorded) for my current module- Fluids, Nutrition and Metabolism. And I think, its just a wake up call for me that I have to work like I have exams tmr for the next 2weeks, if I ever want to do half as well as any of the other singaporeans.
Well, I was in there taking the test without knowing what Macula Densa does. Which really shows the sadness of the state I am in.
On a side note, it amuses me how, for the first time in my life, my report card (for my SSC- which is kinda like an elective to broaden our limited science-y mind) started off with:
"Peishan has a quiet presence in class but ... "
And for those you know me well, its probably qte a big joke isnt it.
To top it off, my previous tutor wrote something along the same lines, and my PDS tutor assured me that it is normal for some people to speak less and others more and that she would try to structure discussions so that I could be more involved.