Its christmas eve, and yet there is no festive mood in my household. Not that there ever has been, for xmas has never really had a special significance to us since we are neither angmoh nor christian. Now even more so, as I watch my younger brother growing up. Well, at least he once used to spend days like this at home but now, asking him out even for a family meal requires us to book in advance. It is now a given that he is not available unless otherwise stated. Hopefully, somehow he will miraculously get through this Im- the- king- of- the- world stage. I blame army- although i hear from people that the compulsory conscription in Singapore makes our dudes more mature, I suppose it can backfire in some cases yeah?
Since, its afterall a festive period, I should stop sounding so bitter cos my line- up for the day is really not so bad and it actually doesnt quite reflect my cheery mood (plus Im actually in Singapore, which makes Christmas, or any other day for that matter, 1000x better). Wakeboarding class in the late morning with my brother (and possible his mate), dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown (How ironic, considering its Christmas. But i will rather have this than turkey anytime.) with one of my best mates and still trying to find sometime to do in between.
Maybe I could break the tradition for myself and do some Christmas present shopping?
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