Thursday, October 01, 2009

Eradicate the Freshers!

Im feeling murderous today. Like Im freaking pissed at the freshers in my block who are partying daily till 4am everyday. I cant bloody sleep at all with all the noise they are creating and its frustrating when you are in bed for 4 damn hours. (You get my point from my choice of vocab.) They kinda forget that there are people who dont want to hear their convo and flirting and have to wake up at 6.30am for work.
Im real thankful that my flatmates are angels.

Well of course, other than my animosity towards the newbies, Im otherwise quite happy. Clinic's awesome and so busy. We are up and running from 7.30am and only off at 5pm, with like 15mins in between classes for lunch (in the midst of walking to the next class). Its kinda crazy, but exciting in its own way. I prefer this to having to wait around for things and being bored.
Managed to clerk someone with 4 pages of past medical hx. But in light of pt confidentiality and what not, I dont think its a good idea to share it here. Really, i never knew that so many prblems could be present in the same person at the same time. But i suppose, I should be qte immune to this already no?

Nitin and I then went to watch a colonoscopy through a stoma after that. It was cool stuff, since most of the time they tend to insert the telescope through the anus. Im quite impressed by the Reg's skill. I mean it does require some sort of coordination and practise to be able to maneuver that stuff well. The pt had some sort of mutated HNPCC, which predisposes him to colon cancer. Results from the colonoscopy wasnt too good, a previously removed polyp is now a fairly large lesion. He prbly has to have a colectomy lined up. It would really be interesting to do some follow up with him since the Reg mentioned that he prbly has to have a surgery lined up qte soon.

On a side note, I think Im pleased with myself thus far. I dont think Im doing fantastically well as far as rankings are concerned. But i think i have largely surpasses my expectations in terms of being able to communicate with people- both pts and peers alike. For the past 2 years, I have had this irrational fear that Im going to pass out everytime i spoke up in a group, but I have to say it is getting better now :D And i think im finally really enjoying hanging out with the angmohs. Which is good news really.
Im thankful that clinics is going well for me, and hopefully it would continue so.

1 comment:

chEezy~ said...

I have had this irrational fear that Im going to pass out everytime i spoke up in a group

seriously??!.. hahaha... hmm. ur clinics sounds interesting :)