Wednesday, July 01, 2009

New Haircut!

Its never Peish if I dont rant about food.
If you are ever in Bugis Junction, you gotta check out Pizzakun which is located in the basement in front of Four Leaves. They sell Japanese Rice Pizza (ie. base is not flour but rice), which come in flavours like unagi, Hawaiian, vege, octopus and stuff. Its quite good really, and pretty to look at.

These couple of days have been good fun for me, despite the fact that I am still jobless and planless.

I finally got a haircut today, after complaining about my bush of a hair to every single living being I see. I kinda got myself some fringe (not bangs though, not as daring as Rae to go to that extent) and straightened the rest of my mane. The final product makes me look about 5 years younger than I actually am (and I already look very much younger/ kiddier than my peers, at least those in London.). But oh well, as i told my hairdresser, hair will grow back eventually.

And i finally managed to get my Mac fixed. Apparently the Ram which the shop upgraded for me was faulty which was why it made this huge beeping sound when I try to turn it on. At least, i have just learnt how to replace my own ram on my own.
Btw, does anyone know if i should get the apple care for about 400 SGD to extent my warranty for another 2 years?

Managed a relatively successful Kinder Bueno milkshake for chinswee and hing yesterday. Either that or they were just trying to please us. Im pretty glad they didnt have to witness the process which me and sharan went through to get it out. But still it was good fun.
Gonna miss those aussie goons loads when they go back. I wish the whole world had winters and summers together at the same time.

1 comment:

Angel said...

didya eat e pizzakun thing?? wassit nice?!! =D cya tmr babe~~