Thursday, June 18, 2009

How well do you know Peish?

Finally finished Heroes Season 3, cant wait for Season 4 to come out. Im on to Chuck now. And I'll possibly go on to Bones after this when im sick of sitting in front of the computer screen since I have the DVDs for that series.

Other than American dramas, my most recent entertainment is the "How well do you know blah-blah?" on FB. Its hilarious looking at your score on how low you score for the quiz on someone you thought you know knew so well. For one i got 1 out of 10 right for Boobie's quiz, and she's like my first friend in RGS or smthing? Rae was also saying that her twin, who is possibly more than her BFF, couldnt ans so many of the qns from her quiz as well.

Its funny really, cos someone who possibly knows what makes me tick and what to say when Im down in the dumps and bawling my head off, probably doesnt know what flavour of ice cream to offer me. Its interesting how when you get to know someone so well, you tend not to pay attention to the small stuff.
But i dont blame them cos my quiz is hard, its like choosing between what I like/dislike more compared to the others. And i probably exaggerated when I say smthing like this is my fave, cos I probably mean one of. I guess to know all the answers, you probably have to know me from way back. 'Cos its seems like i dont really change my preferences over the years. My absolute favourite/ un-favourite starts from the distant past hehehe.
So yes, i happen to like old friends more.

Im back old friends, please please please text me at my old number or drop me a msg on FB. I wanna meet up for kopi siew dai, gow somewhere, anywhere.

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